Free Self-Defense Seminars Portland

This summer Quantum PDX will launch free self defense seminars focused on helping empower our community. Quantum is a safe space for all, we believe that self defense is about having confidence in yourself. Quantum aims to give people the tools to move comfortably in the world being themselves. Human rights are under attack right now all over and certain communities are being targeted with hate. We do not accept this. Whoever you are if you have love in your heart, we stand with you.

We at Quantum Martial Arts aim to help bring light into the world by standing tall with our community and helping people learn how to protect each other. These seminars and our classes aim to give our community, which includes minorities, women, LGBTQ+, people of color the tools needed to help change the world. Change starts with being confident in who you are, building your voice, standing up for what you believe in and having people start standing with you. Quantum wants to make a space for people to show up brightly and confidently, a space where they trust each other so we can do the hard work.

Part of our training is working on our edge of comfort that is where the learning happens. Past trauma tricks our brain into flight or fight mode so we want to begin by bringing people back to their breath, help them find their center and then give them some tools to navigate when life gets hard. Our goal is to show people that self defense comes from a defensive mindset and we want our community being one step ahead. We focus on enhancing the greater consciousness, being mindful and staying mentally aware in the difficult moments. We look at self defense through the lens of becoming a martial artist.

If you are interested in learning more please reach out we hope to have our first Self Defense seminar in early August of 2022 but we offer free entry level classes every week. No experience is needed for our classes just come with an open mind, a willing body and a strong spirit.


December Announcements


Quantum PDX Launches Kids Martial Arts Program